1. Participants must read and understand the itinerary of the event and are supposed to bring the necessary items listed in the same and reach the meeting point at least 15 minutes before scheduled departure. In case they are late or miss the event, no refund shall be provided. Also, the amount for that event will neither be carried forward nor be adjusted in future events if the participants miss the event because of his/her own fault, negligence or breach of the rules and/or schedule for the event.
2. Participants are expected to be physically fit before participating in any of the adventurous activities organized by Mumbai Trekkers. If there is any medical condition, then they must carry the requisite medicine, shall seek their physician’s advice before coming and also inform Mumbai Trekkers before registering for the event.
3. In case of any injury, sickness, accident, death, road accident or any other kind of casualty or loss or damage of valuables or luggage or any equipment; Mumbai Trekkers, its leaders, co-leaders, organizers, volunteers or any other person involved wholly or partly, either individually or jointly, shall not be liable in any manner or form for the same and no claims (of any kind) against Mumbai Trekkers for such injury, sickness, accident, death, road accident or any other kind of casualty or loss or damage of valuables or luggage or any equipment by the participants, parents, guardians, relatives, friends of participants or third person(s) shall be entertained.
4. Alcohol consumption, smoking or chewing tobacco are strictly prohibited during the event. Any participant found in possession of the same or consuming it will be immediately expelled from the trek. No refund will be provided in such cases.
5. Participants must bring back waste to the city such as wrappers, used water bottles etc. and not litter forts/trails with it but dispose it off in dustbins.
6. Do not disturb the flora and fauna, no intimidating birds or animals and do not destroy or damage any archaeological or historical monuments.
7. The ‘Event Leader’s’ decision will be final and binding on all members.
8. Each member will be responsible for his/her own safety and baggage.
9. It is of utmost importance that all participants stick together in the group. In the event of any ‘deviation’ by the participant without the consent of the ‘Event Leader’, he/she/they will be considered as ‘Independent/s’ and will no longer be considered a part of the group and hence relieve any sorts of responsibility towards them.
10. Participants below 18 years of age will only be allowed for the event if accompanied by their parents/guardian or with proper written permission from their parents/guardian.
11. Adventure activity is arranged considering normal weather and normal conditions. In case of occurrence of any natural calamities, riots, political unrest, outbreak of disease or other such emergency situations, the event may be cancelled, under such circumstances, No refund will be provided.
12. All participants must carry a photo ID proof (original or digital Copy) along with him/her during the event.
13. Violation of any rules mentioned above or violation of instructions given by the trek leader will be dealt seriously and may involve expulsion from the event, No refund will be provided in such cases.